I was going to theme my cooking this weekend to relate to the festivities, but as it happens, I seem to be using green food which is kinda scarey in a way (I remember at school having our milk in little bottles dyed with purple food colouring). First on the menu last night we had Scallops with Thai-Scented Pea Puree which was nice. I cautiously cooked the scallops as I didn't want to over/underdo the little luscious coins. They were good, but I think I could do with some practice. As you can see from the photo, it definitely looks like home fodder, especially as there was a ton of puree! I did follow the quantities in the recipe so if Nigella says!
Right, must go and party but more later on Key Lime Pie (more green food) which is chilling in the fridge.
Goddess Mx
Mhm. It does look a bit scary. Only a teeny tiny bit though. x