The last couple of days I have been feeling sleepy, like I want to curl up into a little cave with my boys and stay there until the (warm) sun comes out again. So, the food that I always crave when in this mood is Italian as it seems to satisfy, and I think adds that extra layer of fat that we all need at this time of year. A couple of days ago I made Panzanella, which wrongly is a dish popular in Tuscany within the Summer months! It is like an oily-bread salad, which I must admit put me off before making it - soggy bread salad? Well, it works, let me tell you. If you are looking for a partner for pasta and pesto, this is just the ticket. You cube some dry italian bread (I did Ciabatta) and mix it with basil, tomatoes, red onion, red wine vinegar and lots of extra-virgin olive oil and then you are ready to munch.
Last night I made Salmoriglio sauce which we had with our regular rapid roastini, and some poached chicken - very nice indeed. Master M wowed me with compliments with this one, and I had actually swayed from the recipe, using dried Herbs de Provence instead of fresh oregano (I have never seen this before), and fresh basil rather than parsley. It was just a delicious Sicilian herby lemon sauce really which worked a treat.
Little M is napping now then we are off for a playdate. I made us both a vegetable salad today for lunch (steamed cauliflower, french beans, sweetcorn, with tomatoes, lettuce and boiled egg), in an effort to get him to love warm winter salads as much as I do. I thought it would work as I used a raspberry vinegar to sweeten it all. The wee one just nibbled a few bits of cauliflower, but all credit to him for trying.
Trifle tonight, and I would like to make a start on the Mad Men series, as a friend has let us borrow the first box set. Speak after the first DVD-a-thon.
Goddess Mx
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