Something good shall come out of another that is bad. We were supposed to be visiting friends this weekend but got the call yesterday to let us know that their little boy has chicken pox. Now there was a dilemma: go and expose him so that he has then had it; or stay at home and let Little M get it when nature takes its toll. We decided to stay. So the good bit that has come from the bad is that I get to do some more cooking, starting tonight with my Korean Calamari.
I am eating alone again - becoming a bit of a habit, which I don't actually mind - and am managing to stay away from the annual Children in Need on telly, which is actually a lot of nonsense (but for a good cause, of course). I have been meaning to make this dish for a few weeks, but haven't been able to get Baby Squid, so this morning, Little M and I jumped in the car and drove down into the misty city of Leeds to the market to get some. You can imagine my embarassment at the squid costing only 37p. I know it is not exactly a delicacy but I wouldn't have it every week. Well maybe now I shall at that price.
The squid was soaked in mirin, whilst I made the sauce of gochujang (or Hot Pepper Paste), soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. I fried off some baby corn and spring onions, fried the squid, added the sauce and served the whole glorious concoction with fluffy sushi rice. Can I just say that I have been suffering with a really energy-zapping head cold this week, and I think that this meal has just blown it right out of the water. It is a bit cheeky in terms of heat, to say the least.
Looking forward to a lazy(ish) day tomorrow and am going to make it my mission to find golden sultanas and 250ml jars to make some pumpkin chutney.
Goddess Mx
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